Thursday, February 25, 2010

Mardi Gras in New Orleans - Northside Skull and Bones Gang

These are images I took on Mardi Gras day starting at about 6:30 in the morning until maybe 7:30 or 8am, as the Northside Skull and Bones Gang (With members that include Bruce Sunpie Barnes and Ronald Lewis) first came out the door of the Backstreet museum in the Treme. The gang then went all through the neighborhood and into the French Quarterbanging on people's doors and windows waking them up and announcing the arrival of Mardi Gras day with their slogan, "You next!!"

Here are some of my favorite images from the morning...



Kate Hanrahan said...

linda! these are incredible!!!
high 5s all around!

amy said...

I stumbled on your blog- awesome photos! I love this post...